Additional to the harmonized nonformal educational curriculum, Sexual Reproductive Health and life skills manual and modules are also used in the CLCs. Classes are normally conducted in the afternoons, or late evenings, a maximum of three days a week but the days of interactions can increase depending on the motivation of the learners (see list of CLCs in appendix 3). Community Learning Centres (CLCs) mostly at chiefdom levels: 59 Community Learning Centres in 53 chiefdoms provide functional literacy, numeracy depending on the availability of financial resources, livelihood, income generating activities and skills training are undertaken in CLCs that own buildings. These facilitators (formal school teachers) are given training/ orientation on adult literacy methodologies and the use of the harmonized non-formal education curriculum materials in basic literacy and numeracy before the commencement of classes in the different districts. Literacy facilitators are teachers in the formal primary school where the adult literacy centres are established (formal schools). The age range is 18 to 50 years and above. The target group is mostly illiterate and those who have dropped out of formal primary school and relapsed into illiteracy. I) Establishment of Adult literacy programmes in 13 districts: 30 formal Schools are hosting 30 Adult literacy Centres in 13 districts as at July 2019.
There are efforts by Government through the Non-Formal Education Directorate of the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) to reduce the high incidence of Adult illiteracy and out- of – school girls’ dropout. Serve as Secretary to the Non-Formal Education Council.Īdult and Non-Formal Education programmes in the Directorate of NFED:
To develop and implement programmes for Adult Literacy and Non-Formal Education.To facilitate and support communities with the establishment of Community learning Centres at Chiefdom level particularly in rural communities and hard-to-reach areas.To be responsible for promoting Literacy and Non-Formal Education for out-of-school clientele (Out-of-school children, adolescents, young people and adults) in the country.The Mandate of Non-Formal Education Directorate is to provide education for out -of school illiterates, targeting children, adolescent youth and adults in Sierra Leone.